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Show new changes starting from 15:59, 22 January 2025
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20 January 2025

N    17:04  Vuetify diffhist +108 Admin talk contribs (Created page with "== Create new vuetify app == <syntaxhighlight lang="bash" copy> npm create vuetify@latest </syntaxhighlight>")

19 January 2025

N    19:44  Windows Forms App diffhist +98 Admin talk contribs (Created page with "== Center form == <syntaxhighlight lang="C#" copy> StartPosition = CenterScreen </syntaxhighlight>") Tag: Visual edit: Switched
N    17:56  Laravel form request 2 changes history +2,237 [Admin (2×)]
17:56 (cur | prev) +25 Admin talk contribs (When not getting sql errors back)
17:55 (cur | prev) +2,212 Admin talk contribs (Created page with "== FormRequest template == <syntaxhighlight lang="php" copy> <?php namespace App\Http\Requests; use Illuminate\Foundation\Http\FormRequest; use Illuminate\Validation\ValidationException; use Illuminate\Contracts\Validation\Validator; use Illuminate\Http\Exceptions\HttpResponseException; class StoreFmeoRequest extends FormRequest { * * Determine if the user is authorized to make this request. * * @return bool: public function authorize()...")
N    14:09  Category:Laravel diffhist +7 Admin talk contribs (Created page with "Laravel")
 m   14:09  Main Page 6 changes history +20 [Admin (6×)]
14:09 (cur | prev) −26 Admin talk contribs
14:07 (cur | prev) −29 Admin talk contribs
14:05 (cur | prev) −114 Admin talk contribs
14:05 (cur | prev) −25 Admin talk contribs (Most Popular Pages)
14:04 (cur | prev) +131 Admin talk contribs
14:00 (cur | prev) +83 Admin talk contribs
 m   13:58  Laravel .env diffhist +23 Admin talk contribs (Get .env variable)
 m   13:58  Laravel diffhist +22 Admin talk contribs (Install composer)
 m   13:57  Laravel controller diffhist +22 Admin talk contribs (action template)
 m   13:55  MediaWiki:Common.css 2 changes history +79 [Admin (2×)]
13:55 (cur | prev) +9 Admin talk contribs
13:53 (cur | prev) +70 Admin talk contribs

18 January 2025

N    17:47  Laravel service diffhist +122 Admin talk contribs (Created page with "== Create service class == <syntaxhighlight lang="bash" copy> php artisan make:class Services/MyService </syntaxhighlight>")
N    17:27  Laravel environment diffhist +321 Admin talk contribs (Created page with "== Get environment == <syntaxhighlight lang="php" copy> App::environment(); </syntaxhighlight> == enable routes in development mode only == <syntaxhighlight lang="php" copy> // Conditional /test Route if (! App::environment('production')) { Route::get('/test', [TestController::class, 'index']); } </syntaxhighlight>")
N    17:12  Laravel logging diffhist +222 Admin talk contribs (Created page with "== View log == <syntaxhighlight lang="php" copy> // create batch file viewlog.bat powershell -file viewlog.ps1 // create viewlog.ps1 get-content -path storage\logs\laravel.log -wait // run viewlog.bat </syntaxhighlight>")
N    16:56  Laravel .env diffhist +154 Admin talk contribs (Created page with "== Get .env variable == <syntaxhighlight lang="php" copy> // .env APP_MY_VAR="xyz" // get value $value = env('APP_MY_VAR', 'default'); </syntaxhighlight>")
N    16:34  Laravel controller 3 changes history +924 [Admin (3×)]
16:34 (cur | prev) +305 Admin talk contribs
16:32 (cur | prev) +464 Admin talk contribs (action template)
12:41 (cur | prev) +155 Admin talk contribs (Created page with "== action template == <syntaxhighlight lang="php" copy> public function index() { $data = []; return response()->json($data); } </syntaxhighlight>")
N    06:46  Wikimedia 3 changes history +641 [Admin (3×)]
06:46 (cur | prev) +26 Admin talk contribs
06:37 (cur | prev) +503 Admin talk contribs (syntaxhighlight) Tag: Visual edit: Switched
06:32 (cur | prev) +112 Admin talk contribs (Created page with "== syntaxhighlight == <syntaxhighlight lang="python" copy> def quick_sort(arr): less = [] </syntaxhighlight>")
N    06:40  Mysql 2 changes history +245 [Admin (2×)]
06:40 (cur | prev) +228 Admin talk contribs (Create user)
06:31 (cur | prev) +17 Admin talk contribs (Created page with "== Create user ==")
 m   06:26  Nestjs diffhist +16 Admin talk contribs (Installation)

17 January 2025

N    18:36  Nestjs 3 changes history +166 [Admin (3×)]
18:36 (cur | prev) +53 Admin talk contribs (Installation) Tag: Visual edit: Switched
18:31 (cur | prev) +41 Admin talk contribs Tag: Visual edit: Switched
18:28 (cur | prev) +72 Admin talk contribs (Created page with "<syntaxhighlight lang="bash" line="1" copy> copy code </syntaxhighlight>") Tag: Visual edit: Switched

15 January 2025

N    20:18  Svelte diffhist +126 Admin talk contribs (Created page with "== Installation == <syntaxhighlight lang="bash" line> npx sv create myapp cd myapp npm install npm run dev </syntaxhighlight>")
N    20:04  MediaWiki:Common.css 3 changes history +30 [Admin (3×)]
20:04 (cur | prev) −391 Admin talk contribs (Replaced content with "#footer { display: none; }") Tag: Replaced
20:03 (cur | prev) +198 Admin talk contribs
20:01 (cur | prev) +223 Admin talk contribs (Created page with "CSS placed here will be applied to all skins: #footer-poweredbyico { Hides the "Powered by MediaWiki" logo: display: none; } #footer-places-privacy { Hides the "Privacy policy" link: display: none; }")
N    19:44  Laravel 4 changes history +786 [Admin (4×)]
19:44 (cur | prev) +244 Admin talk contribs (Install composer) Tag: Visual edit: Switched
19:39 (cur | prev) +35 Admin talk contribs Tag: Visual edit
19:38 (cur | prev) +31 Admin talk contribs Tag: Visual edit
19:36 (cur | prev) +476 Admin talk contribs (Created page with "== Install composer == <syntaxhighlight lang="bash"> php -r "copy('', 'composer-setup.php');" php -r "if (hash_file('sha384', 'composer-setup.php') === 'dac665fdc30fdd8ec78b38b9800061b4150413ff2e3b6f88543c636f7cd84f6db9189d43a81e5503cda447da73c7e5b6') { echo 'Installer verified'; } else { echo 'Installer corrupt'; unlink('composer-setup.php'); } echo PHP_EOL;" php composer-setup.php php -r "unlink('composer-setup.php');" </syntaxhighlight>") Tag: Visual edit
     19:05  Main Page 4 changes history −755 [Admin (4×)]
19:05 (cur | prev) −1 Admin talk contribs (Blanked the page) Tags: Blanking Manual revert
19:02 (cur | prev) +1 Admin talk contribs Tags: Reverted Visual edit
19:01 (cur | prev) −182 Admin talk contribs (Blanked the page) Tags: Blanking Visual edit
19:00 (cur | prev) −573 Admin talk contribs (Getting started) Tag: Visual edit: Switched